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Time-Off Policies

Centralize, manage, and approve time-off requests for your entire workforce with RemotePass.

Trusted by The World’s Leading Companies

Time-Off Policies at a Glance

Customizable, Compliant, and Intuitive

Simplify Time-Off Management for Your Local and Global Teams

Tailored Policies Made Easy

Create and customize time-off policies tailored to your unique needs. Stagger vacations during peak seasons, incentivize long-term commitment with tenure requirements - the possibilities are endless.

Effortless Accrual Management

Create custom accrual rules that perfectly align with your business. Choose from various accrual frequencies, including weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, or yearly. The choice is yours.

Boost Morale & ROI

Encourage employees to take their well-deserved time off with easy carryover management. Set clear limits and automatic expiry to maximize unused holidays and avoid accrued vacation payouts.

Stay Compliant

Ensure compliance and peace of mind with time-off policies that comply with local laws for your disbursed workforce.

Gain Valuable Insights

Make smarter staffing decisions with real-time visibility into your entire workforce's time-off schedule. Powerful reporting tools help you maximize efficiency and keep projects on track.

Save Time & Money

Ditch the app overload and multiple subscriptions. RemotePass saves you money and eliminates the hidden costs of maintaining separate systems.

Trusted by Customers,

Recognized by Experts

Recognized Excellence of RemotePass


Got Questions? Find Answers Here

What happens to previous time-off requests and historical data when we introduce this new feature?

All previous time-off requests and their associated data will be seamlessly migrated to the new time-off policy system.We'll map existing time-off types to the new policy framework, ensuring a smooth transition.

How can new contracts be assigned time-off policies?

Non-accrued time-off policies are automatically assigned to new contracts for immediate use. For accrued policies, you'll have the flexibility to manually assign them based on your specific business needs and employee eligibility criteria.

What happens when a policy is unassigned from a contract?

A time-off policy can only be deleted if it's not currently assigned to any employees and no time off has been taken under that policy. This ensures data integrity and prevents accidental deletions.

How do I delete a policy?

To delete a time-off policy, ensure that no employees are associated with it and no time off has been taken under it. Once verified, you can proceed with the deletion process.

When are vacation days carried over to the next year?

If your company policy allows it, accrued vacation days can be carried over to the following calendar year. For example, days accrued in 2024 can be carried over to 2025, with the carryover typically taking effect on January 1st of the new year.

How can I ensure that carried-over days from the previous year are used first?

Our system prioritizes the deduction of carried-over vacation days before using newly accrued days. This ensures that employees use their oldest vacation balance first.