Lean pioneers in providing lean and agile technology solutions, driving efficiency for startups and enterprises in the MENA region.
Lean initially used RemotePass to expand to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and soon after, hire international talent based in Europe - seamlessly and compliantly.
Lean pioneers in providing lean and agile technology solutions, driving efficiency for startups and enterprises in the MENA region.
Lean initially used RemotePass to expand to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and soon after, hire international talent based in Europe - seamlessly and compliantly.
Effortless International Expansion to the KSA
In light of Saudi Arabia’s booming tech scene, Lean Technologies pursued a strategic approach to evaluate the market before setting up a local presence. They were aware of the hefty costs and time (6 months+) required to set up an entity, which could impact their cash flow. Hence, their aim was to thoroughly explore the market to make a well-informed decision, ultimately saving valuable resources and ensuring a smarter market entry strategy.
With RemotePass’ EOR services, Lean Technologies were fully operational in a very short time, bypassing the typical time consuming entity setup process. This streamlined solution allowed Lean Technologies to focus on core business activities while RemotePass managed all administrative, HR, payroll, immigration and tax matters. Not only did this relieve the pressure of quick establishment, but it also ensured compliance and efficiency.
When Lean Technologies eventually established its own entity, RemotePass facilitated a seamless transition for its employees, showcasing the agility and effectiveness of the solution.
Streamlining Full-Time Employment Contracts Across Europe’s Complex Tax Landscape
Onboarding, paying and offering benefits to full-time employees from Europe, particularly in the Netherlands with access to special tax rebates, posed significant challenges.
RemotePass enables Lean Technologies to offer EU employees tailored contracts that maximize their financial benefits through special tax rebates, ensuring compliance.
The support team at Remotepass is incredibly responsive, kind, and helpful. Onboarding new people onto their platform is a breeze, making the process seamless and efficient.
4.8 out of 5 stars from 2.8k reviews
Love it! It has been an essential tool for us, the perks of having everything at the point of my fingers. Using RemotePass has been super efficient. The platform is user-friendly and fast, and communication with customer service is truly a "gold standard".
Working with RemotePass has been extremely easy and effortless. The customer support team are second to none - always quick to respond, always helping with desire and delivering perhaps some of the best customer service we have ever encountered. Onboarding new contractors and employees is quick and easy, and we are happy to recommend RemotePass to others
RemotePass has hands down been one of the best (useful and easy to use) platforms I've worked with in the past few years!
RemotePass has been a great success partner for Amwal, it truly enabled us to be international talent friendly. Attracting top talent without the hassle of thinking how we would hire and pay abroad.
RemotePass has really helped us take the pain out of managing salary payments, contract managements, and admin work with our remote teams. They feel much more in control and more connected because of it.
RemotePass is a game-changer for us. It has made managing our remote teams effortless and has greatly improved the process of hiring, managing and collaborating with our team remotely. Highly recommended
We’re delighted to express our satisfaction regarding our collaboration with RemotePass. Their cutting-edge cloud-based platform has revolutionized our workforce and hiring procedures, enabling us to enhance efficiency and effectiveness in managing everything. It serves as a comprehensive solution that has greatly simplified our operations, making remote work effortless.
RemotePass has been so efficient for us as we have at least 60% of our team being remote. Especially for tracking if everyone has been paid out or if they have reimbursements, we don't have to manually do it one by one anymore. It's also really good since we are in compliance with each and every single one of our remote teams' place of residence.
Brilliant service. We love and we'd be using it for the years to come. Also great customer success management as well!
We love the entire system you guys have built, it's user-friendly and in particular we love the automated notifications part. Employees are automatically informed about the payment status and they receive the payment in a couple of hours after they get notified vs. manually asking us. Thanks for your ongoing support
Using RemotePass has been an absolute game-changer for our operations - knowing that we have a reliable partner on our side even in complex regions efficiently (this has previously been a big headache for us), allows our teams to focus exclusively on client service and product delivery
We were looking for a simple and affordable product and RemotePass more than delivered. RemotePass helped us streamline and manage our remote teams. RemotePass understood us as a company and provided us the support and confidence that we are compliant with regulations, our remote teams have excellent support, and that we made the right choice
RemotePass has been very helpful as it streamlines the payment process to our consultants, with a simple 2 to 3 clicks the job is done. It is effortless and straightforward to use. The most important thing is that It eliminates any compliance risks we might face, and the lengthy verification process. Overall the system is excellent, and I would recommend it to other organizations.
The product has been incredibly a game-changer for us as we scaled our team globally. Creating a great first impression when onboarding remote teams. Everything centralized in one place. Love it!
Our work with RemotePass is a partnership based on trust and credibility we are proud to have. With RemotePass services, onboarding and payroll for our global team is well managed and our employees feel safe and cared for.
I was instantly impressed with the UI/UX of the RemotePass platform, it is incredibly user-friendly and the feedback I have received from the remote workers has been excellent. Having supplied contract and remote staff to clients in the Middle East for several years, I have been used to a very manual and labor-heavy process when it comes to payroll and compliance. After one demonstration from the team at RemotePass I switched from using an existing supplier, as I get better value and service using this platform.
Join leaders who depend on RemotePass everyday to be ahead of the curve.
Get paid instantly and in any currency, hold funds in USD on our card, and access premium health insurance and benefits.
Lean pioneers in providing lean and agile technology solutions, driving efficiency for startups and enterprises in the MENA region.
Lean initially used RemotePass to expand to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and soon after, hire international talent based in Europe - seamlessly and compliantly.
Effortless International Expansion to the KSA
In light of Saudi Arabia’s booming tech scene, Lean Technologies pursued a strategic approach to evaluate the market before setting up a local presence. They were aware of the hefty costs and time (6 months+) required to set up an entity, which could impact their cash flow. Hence, their aim was to thoroughly explore the market to make a well-informed decision, ultimately saving valuable resources and ensuring a smarter market entry strategy.
With RemotePass’ EOR services, Lean Technologies were fully operational in a very short time, bypassing the typical time consuming entity setup process. This streamlined solution allowed Lean Technologies to focus on core business activities while RemotePass managed all administrative, HR, payroll, immigration and tax matters. Not only did this relieve the pressure of quick establishment, but it also ensured compliance and efficiency.
When Lean Technologies eventually established its own entity, RemotePass facilitated a seamless transition for its employees, showcasing the agility and effectiveness of the solution.
Streamlining Full-Time Employment Contracts Across Europe’s Complex Tax Landscape
Onboarding, paying and offering benefits to full-time employees from Europe, particularly in the Netherlands with access to special tax rebates, posed significant challenges.
RemotePass enables Lean Technologies to offer EU employees tailored contracts that maximize their financial benefits through special tax rebates, ensuring compliance.
The support team at Remotepass is incredibly responsive, kind, and helpful. Onboarding new people onto their platform is a breeze, making the process seamless and efficient.
4.8 من أصل 5 نجوم من 2.8 ألف مراجعة
أحببت هذه المنصة! ريموت باس هي أداة ضرورية بالنسبة لنا، وتقدم لنا ميزة الحصول على كل شيء بسهولة في مكان واحد. كان استخدام منصة ريموت باس فعالًا للغاية، إذ إن المنصة سهلة الاستخدام وسريعة، ويشكل التواصل مع خدمة العملاء البنيان الأساسي و الميزة الخاصة في العلاقة التي تربطنا بمنصة ريموت باس .
لقد كانت ريموت باس أحد أفضل المنصات المفيدة وسهلة الاستخدام التي عملت معها في السنوات القليلة الماضية!
منصة ريموت باس فعالة للغاية بالنسبة لنا، إذ يعمل ما لا يقل عن 60٪ من فريقنا عن بعد. وهي مفيدة بشكلٍ خاص لتتبع عمليات الدفع للجميع أو للتحقق من وجود تعويضات، فلا داعي لفعل ذلك يدويًا لكل فرد كل مرة. منصة ريموت-باس هي حقًا ممتازة لأننا نلتزم بالقوانين المحلية في مواقع إقامة كل عضو من أعضائنا العاملين عن بعد.
بفضل منصة ريموت باس، تمكنت شركة سويڤل من أن تصبح أكثر مرونة، مما سمح لنا بتوظيف أفضل المواهب عن بعد. نعتبر ريموت باس شريكًا رائعًا لتتبع خطط نمو سويڤل بسرعة في بلدان متعددة. نوجه شكرًا خاصًا لفريق الدعم على الخدمة المثالية التي يقدمها.
خدمة رائعة للغاية. نحب هذه المنصة وسنستخدمها في السنوات القادمة. كما أن خدمة العملاء ناجحة وعظيمة!
ما أروع النظام الذي صنعتموه يا رفاق! فهو سهل الاستخدام ونحب على وجه الخصوص خاصية الإشعارات الآلية، حيث يتم تبليغ الموظفين تلقائيًا بالدفع ويتلقون الدفعات في غضون ساعتين بعد إخطارهم بدلًا من فعل ذلك يدويًا. شكرًا على دعمكم المستمر.
تجربتنا مع منصة ريموت باس كانت مذهلة والدعم الذي قدمته لي في معاملتي الأخيرة كان رائعًا. أحببت حقًا خاصية إشعار المتابعة وتزويدي بالتفاصيل. هذا أمر رائع للغاية. شكرًا على مساعدتكم.
شكل استخدام ريموت باس تغييرًا جذريًا في كيفية إنجاز عملياتنا، وأصبح لدينا شريكًا موثوقًا به يساندنا في المناطق المعقدة ويقدم لنا الدعم بكفاءة (كان هذا في السابق مشكلة كبيرة لدينا). وهي سمحت لفرقنا بالتركيز بالكامل على خدمة الزبناء و تحسين المردودية.
كنا نبحث عن منتج بسيط وبأسعار معقولة وقامت ريموت باس بتلبية ذلك وأكثر. ساعدتنا المنصة على تبسيط وإدارة فرقنا العاملة عن بعد. لقد فهمت منصة ريموت باس احتياجاتنا كشركة، وقدمت لنا الدعم وأصبحت لدينا الثقة بأننا نمتثل للقوانين وأن فرقنا العاملة عن بعد تحصل على دعم ممتاز. الأكيد أننا اتخذنا الخيار الصحيح.
منصة ريموت باس مفيدة للغاية لأنها تُبسط عملية الدفع لمستشارينا، فتُنجز المهمة من خلال نقرتين إلى ثلاث نقرات بسيطة. إنها سهلة الاستخدام ومباشرة. أهم شيء هو أنها تقضي على أي مخاطر متعلقة بالامتثال ، وتقلص وقت إنجاز عملية التحقق المطولة. عمومًا، منصة ممتازة، وأوصي بها للمؤسسات الأخرى.
هذه الخدمة مفيدة بشكل لا يصدق بالنسبة لنا حيث قمنا بتوسيع نطاق فريقنا على مستوى العالم. وهي تترك انطباعًا أوليًا رائعًا عند إعداد الفرق العاملة عن بعد. كل شيء مركَّز في مكان واحد. أحببتها!
يشكل عملنا مع ريموت باس شراكة قائمة على الثقة والمصداقية، ونحن نفتخر بوجودها. من خلال خدمات ريموت باس، تُدار عملية إعداد الموظفين وكشوف الرواتب لفريقنا العالمي بسهولة ويشعر موظفونا بالأمان والاهتمام.
ذهلت على الفور بواجهة المستخدم لمنصة ريموت باس، فهي سهلة الاستخدام للغاية والتعليقات التي تلقيتها من الموظفين عن بُعد كانت ممتازة. لقد عملت في مجال تزويد العقود والموظفين عن بعد للعملاء في الشرق الأوسط على مدى عدة سنوات، واعتدت على إنجاز مهام كشوف الرواتب والامتثال بشكلٍ يدوي وهو أمر شاق للغاية. بعد مشاهدة عرض توضيحي واحد من الفريق في ريموت باس، استبدلت المزود آنذاك بريموت باس، إذ قدمت لي المنصة قيمة هائلة وخدمة رائعة.