
Remote hiring

Process whereby all interviews are conducted not in person, but rather over platforms such as zoom.

Remote hiring is the process whereby all interviews are conducted not in person, but rather over platforms such as zoom. They are commonplace in companies that employee fully remote workers, and are gaining traction even in companies that hire for onsite staff, as a time saving and convenient way to connect with candidates.


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Definite and Indefinite contract

Employment contracts that are either Fixed-term or Indefinite.

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Synchronous communication

Synchronous communications is that which takes place in real-time between two or more parties.

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Parental leave

An employee benefit that provides job-protected leave from employment to care for a child.

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Remote hiring

Process whereby all interviews are conducted not in person, but rather over platforms such as zoom.

Remote hiring is the process whereby all interviews are conducted not in person, but rather over platforms such as zoom. They are commonplace in companies that employee fully remote workers, and are gaining traction even in companies that hire for onsite staff, as a time saving and convenient way to connect with candidates.


الأجر هو دفعة ثابتة مقابل الخدمات المقدمة.

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خصم الضرائب

الخصومات الضريبية عبارة عن مبالغ يمكنك طرحها مباشرة من دخلك.

التعريف بالكامل

إجازة غير مدفوعة الأجر

إجازة يسمح بها صاحب العمل، ولكن لا يتم دفعها من حيث الأجور.

التعريف بالكامل