
AML screening

AML, or anti-money laundering, screening is a critical part of compliance.

AML, or anti-money laundering, screening is a critical part of compliance. Banks must perform comprehensive identity checks to ensure their clients are not present on any sanctions list, banned or wanted lists, are politically exposed persons, or that their names exist in any adverse media data. It is a part of compliance and helps mitigate risk to banks and is meant to help banks identify high-risk clients and avoid doing business with them.

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Global payroll

Refers to all the practices needed to administer payroll to individuals across the globe.

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Per diem

Per diem is a Latin word that means by (per) the day (diem).

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Remote hiring

Process whereby all interviews are conducted not in person, but rather over platforms such as zoom.

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هل تحتاج مساعدة لإعداد الموظفين على مستوى العالم؟

ابدأ اليوم

AML screening

AML, or anti-money laundering, screening is a critical part of compliance.

AML, or anti-money laundering, screening is a critical part of compliance. Banks must perform comprehensive identity checks to ensure their clients are not present on any sanctions list, banned or wanted lists, are politically exposed persons, or that their names exist in any adverse media data. It is a part of compliance and helps mitigate risk to banks and is meant to help banks identify high-risk clients and avoid doing business with them.

تبسيط كشوف المرتبات مع مع ريموت باس

تقدم ريموت باس منصة قوية تساعد في عالم العمل اليوم. من تعيين موظفين جدد إلى الإعداد وإدارة كشوف المرتبات حول العالم ومتابعة فرق العمل عن بُعد جيدًا - نحن نساعد فيها جميعاً!

ابدأ اليوم


الأجر هو دفعة ثابتة مقابل الخدمات المقدمة.

التعريف بالكامل

موظف متعاقد

لا يعتبر الموظف المتعاقد (أو العامل المستقل) موظفًا دائمًا.

التعريف بالكامل

كشوف المرتبات العالمية

جميع السياسات والممارسات اللازمة لإدارة كشوف المرتبات للأفراد في جميع أنحاء العالم.

التعريف بالكامل