

Off-boarding is the process that leads to the formal separation between an employee and a company.

Offboarding is the process that leads to the formal separation between an employee and a company through resignation, termination, or retirement. It encompasses all the decisions and processes that take place when an employee leaves, and ensures that the employment relationship is closed properly. Often, exit interviews are part of the offboarding process.


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Payroll deductions are both required and optional deductions from an employee’s pay cheque.

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Off-boarding is the process that leads to the formal separation between an employee and a company.

Offboarding is the process that leads to the formal separation between an employee and a company through resignation, termination, or retirement. It encompasses all the decisions and processes that take place when an employee leaves, and ensures that the employment relationship is closed properly. Often, exit interviews are part of the offboarding process.

الحالة الوظيفية

يشير الوضع الوظيفي أو حالة التوظيف إلى الحالة التي يتمتع بها الموظف لدى صاحب العمل. هل هو متعاقد أم

التعريف بالكامل

توظيف عن بُعد

العملية التي يتم من خلالها إجراء جميع المقابلات ليس شخصيًا، ولكن عبر منصات مثل زوم.

التعريف بالكامل


يشير الامتثال إلى الالتزام باللوائح والقوانين والمبادئ التوجيهية.

التعريف بالكامل