"Off cycles", occur when payments are processed outside of the regular payroll cycle.
Off-cycle payments, or "off cycles", occur when payments are processed outside of the regular payroll cycle. Bonuses and commissions sometimes fall in off-cycle payments; retroactive pay increases can also be done off-cycle. A final check for a terminated employee may be processed off-cycle as well.
Software application that enables the electronic handling of recruitment and hiring needs.
A formal assessment in which a manager evaluates an employee’s work performance.
Payroll deductions are both required and optional deductions from an employee’s pay cheque.
In this article, we take a look at some of the biggest benefits of hiring remote workers , and what competitive advantages they can bring to an organization.
"Off cycles", occur when payments are processed outside of the regular payroll cycle.
Off-cycle payments, or "off cycles", occur when payments are processed outside of the regular payroll cycle. Bonuses and commissions sometimes fall in off-cycle payments; retroactive pay increases can also be done off-cycle. A final check for a terminated employee may be processed off-cycle as well.
العمل بدوام جزئي هو شكل من أشكال العمل الذي يتطلب ساعات أقل في الأسبوع.
يشير الراتب الإجمالي إلى إجمالي المدفوعات التي يتلقاها الموظف.
جميع السياسات والممارسات اللازمة لإدارة كشوف المرتبات للأفراد في جميع أنحاء العالم.
ثقافة العمل هي جوهر الشركة، لكن أصبح بنائها أصعب بسبب العمل عن بُعد. توضح المقالة كيف يتم بناء ثقافة عمل قوية مع فريق يعمل من بعيد.